Friday, September 18, 2009

May I have a moment to brag...

If you don't want to hear me be a proud mama for a moment you may not want to read this post. I am giving fair if you don't like my bragging.....well it is your own fault!
At the end of each school year the kids take the Iowa test. This is given nation wide. Addy brought home this certificate from her 3rd grade test on Monday. It says that she scored in the top 10 percent in the whole nation in six different categories! I am so proud of her. I told her I was so proud of her and tried to help her understand what a neat achievement this was. Corey and I took her to dinner on Wednesday to Los hermonos (her choice). She thought it was pretty fun to go on our date with us and loved having one on one time. Even though I did want her to know it was a big deal, I am also grateful that she doesn't think to much of it at the same time. I love that she just thinks cool, not wow I am so cool, you know what I mean right?? I am so proud of her and the great student she is!

1st day of school

Oh the first day of school....I am such a cry baby!! I don't know what it is about school starting but I always get a little choked up. Not just about my little preschooler or the fact that I had a new kindergartner, I cried just as hard for my 4th grader (which totally freaks me out by the way) and my 2nd grader. I worry about the little things...will they have someone to eat lunch with, will the teacher be nice, will they have someone to play with at recess, and most of all I think it just freaks me out that they are at school for so many hours out of the day. I like the summer where I decide who they come into contact with. I know I am a little cookie but I don't know all the kids at school, their parents that come into class, the janitors or all the people that work at the school. I am a worry wart and I just want them to be safe and be happy. So needless to say I shed a few tears each time a new school year begins. Luckily they all LOVE school and they were all so excited to start! It makes it easier to leave them knowing they are super excited for their new teachers, new friends and most of all learning. I am excited for the new school year and I am happy about the cute teachers they all have. Let the fun begin!!