The Festival of Colors is a celebration held at the Hare Krishna Temple in Spanish Fork. It is a cleaning ritual. Linda and Larry thought it was would be really fun to go. Corey's cousin, Paige, was in town so we decided to show her a good time! This is taken in front of the temple when we first got there. It is a beautiful building. The girls were so excited to see it up close. We drive by it at least twice a month on our way to Linda's house. They call it "the castle". So not knowing what to expect I knew it would be worth it just to give the girls the chance to see it up close!
Our little family + Khyler and Paige

Inside the temple sitting on a little bench.
The girls looking at the shrine inside the temple.
Paige was the first one to get a little messy. She was just walking and some guys threw the color powder right at her. I told her it was because she was the cutest!
Here is a look at all the people dancing around and having a great time with the band.
Here are a few of the girls after Grandpa Larry bought us some powder to throw at each other. I was surprised everyone got into as much as they did.
Here are some of the young bucks walking out from the mass of people throwing the powder at each other. People were covered! It was amazing how thick the chalk was on some people.

This is the cloud that was hanging around after the mass throwing of chalk. We kind of stayed out of the mass of people seeing as we had 5 little kids with us and I don't think you could have even seen your hand in front of your face!
I thought this was way fun! All for getting messy!

Lexi was not so sure about this whole thing......until she started throwing the powder then she was all about it! She LOVED going after the adults that were a little apprehensive about getting dirty (COREY!!) !
This is Maycie at the very end of our day! She was so covered in green powder! She and Khyler had so much fun. I think Maycies favorite part was dancing around to the music and throwing the powder on herself!

AHH sorry Corey...I know you didn't want to get messy! Thanks for being a good sport and I know you had fun!

Adelyn was ok with getting messy. She took a minute to warm up and then she really got into it! I think the majority of chalk that is on the adults is courtesy of Addy! She was little nervous nelly when we were on the hill dancing worried that the girls were going to far down the hill and getting to close to people. Love her, she is so much like her little nervous Daddy!!

Now Makenley was a little different from everyone else. She wanted the powder thrown on her from the second she saw what people were doing! She asked a lady to throw some on her withing the first 20 minutes of being there! She absolutely LOVED getting messy just as much as she loved throwing it and getting everyone else messy!
Inside the temple sitting on a little bench.
This is the cloud that was hanging around after the mass throwing of chalk. We kind of stayed out of the mass of people seeing as we had 5 little kids with us and I don't think you could have even seen your hand in front of your face!
Lexi was not so sure about this whole thing......until she started throwing the powder then she was all about it! She LOVED going after the adults that were a little apprehensive about getting dirty (COREY!!) !
AHH sorry Corey...I know you didn't want to get messy! Thanks for being a good sport and I know you had fun!
Adelyn was ok with getting messy. She took a minute to warm up and then she really got into it! I think the majority of chalk that is on the adults is courtesy of Addy! She was little nervous nelly when we were on the hill dancing worried that the girls were going to far down the hill and getting to close to people. Love her, she is so much like her little nervous Daddy!!
Now Makenley was a little different from everyone else. She wanted the powder thrown on her from the second she saw what people were doing! She asked a lady to throw some on her withing the first 20 minutes of being there! She absolutely LOVED getting messy just as much as she loved throwing it and getting everyone else messy!