We knew it was way, way past time to do an updated Darrington family picture when we looked and realized that Keli and Jared and Mike and Jill had both had 2 more kids added to their families!! My cousin Denae told us she would be willing to brave all these little kids (and the big ones) to do a big group shot.
Here is one she did of just my family. Corey is one lucky guy...look at all those pretty little blond girls. He jokes around that he is "a thorn amongst roses". But we all know he's better than a thorn!

The whole group. I will give you a run down. Mike and Jill together in the back are the owners of all the little boys in blue shirts and the little girl in front in the white dress. Keli and Jared are in black. They are the owners of the boy in front in white and the dark haired little girl and the one Keli is holding. Randy and Jesse are in green and white shirts. They are the owners of the oldest boy in green and the little girl in white. My parents are in yellow they own us big kids. The rest of the little girls Corey and I own.....I know they are the cutest ones....don't tell anyone!

Gosh with 14 kids...9 under the age of 6.....a couple of obnoxious boys....mine included!....I think we got a few cute ones!! Thanks Denae!!!
Gosh with 14 kids...9 under the age of 6.....a couple of obnoxious boys....mine included!....I think we got a few cute ones!! Thanks Denae!!!
If everyone will stop having babies already we could be done with these "updates" J/K!!