Friday, September 19, 2008


So I know that I am getting older and I know that I have the weakest, smallest bladder in the world.....doesn't help that I have had four pregnancies.....BUT for the love can I not go the entire night without getting up to go to the bathroom!!! It is 4 am, that's right 4 in the morning and I am awake as can be for two reasons.
1. As stated above I had to get up at about 3:30 to use the bathroom. Tried to go back to sleep, not happening. You know how when you wake up in the middle of the night and if you lay there to long you start to get really, REALLY hungry?!? Makes me so mad! Hence the bowl of cereal in front of me.
2. Do you ever know that you have to be a wake by a certain time, earlier than normal, so you wake up every few hours because you are sure that your alarm is not going to work right and you will be totally late? This happens to me pretty much every time I have to be somewhere early. I don't know if it is the Darrington-can't be late in me or what but it really bugs!

The silver lining in all of this rambling is that the reason I have to be up early is for Linder, my wonderful mother-in-law and Ashley, one of my best sisters-in-law, are coming to get me at 5:30 to fly off to sunny San Diego!! We are going to see Kaycie, yet another one of my favorite people, for the weekend. At least I can sleep in tomorrow and the next day oh and the next!! Yeah!!
So while I am not enjoying being awake so early, I will defiantly be enjoying myself this weekend!


Keri said...

Hope you're having fun in beautiful San Diego! And just so you know, you're not the only one getting up to relieve themselves in the night! :)

Heather S. said...

I hate not being able to sleep. Those are often 2 of the reasons too--I have the heebee peebee's or I'm starving.

I hope you had a wonderful trip!

Brittany said...

The bathroom thing totally screws me up too. I hate it that I can't make it through the night without getting up.

I totally do the wake up before you have to get up thing too...such a pain.

Hope you had fun in San Diego!!

Kelly said...

Jill so sorry to hear about the sleepless night.. but heck you can't go wrong your heading out to play. Stay up late, eat lots of Junk food and sleep in. Sounds like a good high school sleepover. Have a blast!
You better believe I was giving my boy some of my old cheers. "Tie em like a Pretzle" Only thing missing was You! What good times we had cheering! I often thing back to all the FUN we had... Love You!

Truly and Shane said...

I can only laugh at this post because last night was maybe my worst night ever I'm getting so big it's hard even sitting up from being flat :) - I, too, had cereal after not being able to get back to sleep. Mmmmm mini wheats, the strawberry flavor, lishy! Hope you had fun in San Diego! I love that place.