Monday, February 16, 2009

8 Things about me:(Kimber's Tag)

8 Favorite TV shows:
1. The Bachelor
2. Grey's Anatomy
3. Survivor
4. Amazing Race
5. Project Runway
6. Top Chef...even though it makes me hungry!
7. America's Next Top Model
8.American Idol
...umm do you think I like reality TV??

8 Things I Did Yesterday:
1. Went to Church
2. Had Family Dinner with the Zimmerman Crew at my house..lots of laughs!
3. Mopped the floor.
4. Played Cities and Nights..Loved it!!
5. Went to choir practice.
6. Played Mophia..always entertaining with this crew!
7. Chatted with one of my favorite people...Kaycie!
8. Snuggled with my Hubbie...I am soooo glad he is home!
....not much to do on a Sunday!

8 Things I'm looking forward to:
1. Helping my sister in law paint her babies bedroom today.
2. Going to a movie with my friends tonight!
3. Having my husband home all week!
4. Running outside...PLEASE get a little warmer...PLEASE!
5. My 12th wedding anniversary this Sunday!
6. Summertime outside at the pool.
7. My spring, summer clothes.(don't you just get tired of the same clothes...I do it in the summer too.)
8. School to be over...I know it is a long way off but I love the summer with my kids!

8 Favorite Restaurants:
1. Tepanyaki
2. Chefs Table
3. Texas Roadhouse
4. Olive Garden
5. PF Changs
6. Outback
7. Bajio
8. Les Hermonos

8 Things on my wish list:
1. The economy to pick up!!
2. A vacation to Disneyland with the kids if # 1 comes through! Keep your fingers crossed!
3. My extended family to all be healthy and HAPPY!
4. Create good memories with my kids so when they look back they remember a fun, nice, happy mom!
5. A new sectional for our family room.
6. One of Corey's closings he has been working on forever to work out! Stress be gone!
7. A getaway with Corey.
8. Perfect that to much to ask?? They don't have to be realistic wishes right!

8 People I tag:
1. Allison
2. Keli
3. Jesse
4. Mindy
5. Joanna Hawkins
6. Lacey
7. Denae
8. Jill


Keri said...

Jill...LOVE the new blog background - way cute! And I was laughing reading about your TV shows. I'm a reality junkie as well. :) And bring on the warm weather. I think we're all ready for that!

Kimberlee said...

I am excited for summer and your poolside as well. If you find a good sectional let me know. I'm glad Corey is home all week for you. See you tonight.

Jess said...

Speaking of the Bachelor, did you see the sneak peak of the final episode? Can you believe that beast of a woman is back? I could just........